Monday, May 12, 2014

A Complete U-Turn

The Head of Ford Retires, Having Rejuvenated the Carmaker

DEARBORN, Mich. — One of the first questions asked of Alan R. Mulally when he joined Ford Motor as its new chief executive in 2006 was what kind of car he drove.
His answer stunned an auditorium packed with Ford employees. “A Lexus,” he said. “It’s the finest car in the world.”

His praise of a car built by Toyota was shocking, but it delivered a clear message of how Mr. Mulally, an outsider who was recruited from Boeing, viewed the products made by Ford, which at the time was spiraling into a financial crisis and desperate for a savior.

It was that brutal honesty, along with Mr. Mulally’s vision, that would lay the foundation for a stunning turnaround.

On Thursday, Mr. Mulally stood at the front of the same auditorium and announced that he would retire as chief executive on July 1 and, as expected, be succeeded by the veteran Ford executive Mark Fields.

This time, instead of silence, he received a standing ovation. The company he is leaving, the Ford workers knew, has been transformed from an industry laggard into one of the most successful carmakers in the world.

As he leaves, Mr. Mulally is drawing comparisons with Lee Iacocca, the executive who resurrected Chrysler a generation ago.

“It is terribly exciting and also terribly satisfying,” Mr. Mulally, who is 68, said Thursday of his personal odyssey and the transition of power at Ford.

Mr. Mulally said he never doubted that Ford could thrive again, even when the company appeared headed for bankruptcy in 2009 along with its chief American rivals, General Motors and Chrysler.
“I knew we could do this,” he said in an interview. “Every week I got more and more confident, even through the toughest of times.”

Ford managed to avoid bankruptcy and the government bailouts that G.M. and Chrysler needed to survive.

From the day he arrived at Ford, he stressed that everything was up for review at the company, and set out to streamline it by selling off brands that diluted its resources, like Volvo and Jaguar, and closing down the struggling Mercury brand.

Alan Mulally, left, president and chief executive of Ford Motor, with Bill Ford Jr., the company’s executive chairman. Credit Carlos Osorio/Associated Press        

He made painful cuts to the work force, laying off thousands in 2007 and 2008, and closing plants that were no longer needed in the face of reduced demand.

At the same time, he encouraged executives to emulate leaner competitors like Toyota, adopting team-oriented procedures, and forced executives to put aside their internal rivalries. As employees warmed to his approach, improvements in the safety, styling and fuel efficiency of each new Ford model followed.
Now Ford is increasing its market share in North America, and expanding its presence in China and other regions where the company had trailed other automakers.

Last week, Ford reported net income of $989 million in the first quarter of this year — its 19th consecutive profitable quarter and further proof of the staying power of Mr. Mulally’s turnaround plan known as One Ford.

Auto analysts on Thursday cited Mr. Mulally’s influence on Ford, which previously had a rocky history with chief executives who were fired or replaced when the company stumbled.

“Whether anyone else could have created the level of change and delivered equally strong execution is immaterial,” said Stephanie Brinley, an analyst with the firm IHS Automotive. “He was the one to do it.”

During Mr. Mulally’s tenure, Ford vastly improved the quality of its passenger cars, particularly smaller models like the Fiesta and Focus. He also encouraged the company to take risks with its top-selling F-series pickup, which is being revamped this year with a lightweight, aluminum body.

While he retooled Ford on the inside, Mr. Mulally also restored its reputation among consumers and investors. In November 2006, shortly after taking over as chief executive, he made his boldest bet, by mortgaging most of the company’s assets — even the trademark on its logo — to secure $23.5 billion in loans. It would finance a drastic downsizing of its bloated North American manufacturing operations.

It led to a high point in his career. During congressional hearings in autumn 2008, he sat alongside the chief executives of G.M. and Chrysler in seeking emergency financial aid for the domestic auto industry. But after the first round of hearings, Mr. Mulally reversed course and told lawmakers that Ford would not need government help to fix the company.

“His leadership enabled Ford to avoid the bankruptcies that swallowed up and then spit out General Motors and Chrysler,” said Jack Nerad, an analyst with the auto research firm Kelley Blue Book.
Ford’s executive chairman, William C. Ford Jr., has often told how he recruited Mr. Mulally from the aviation industry by emphasizing Ford’s unique heritage and respected status among American auto companies.

But he still marvels at how Mr. Mulally’s brand of optimism and emphasis on teamwork healed the company founded by his great-grandfather, Henry Ford.

Mr. Mulally kissed the hood of a Ford concept car at a trade fair in Berlin. Credit Odd Andersen/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images        
“We are enormously grateful for everything Alan has done — not only for what he accomplished but how he did it with great style,” Mr. Ford said on Thursday.

Mr. Mulally’s retirement had been expected, although he had earlier said he would stay through the end of 2014.

Mr. Fields, who has worked for Ford for 25 years, was the logical choice to become the new chief executive because he had run the company’s core Americas division for seven years before being promoted to chief operating officer in 2012.

The company’s board did consider outside candidates for the job, as it did with Mr. Mulally. But the decision to promote from within was to preserve the culture Mr. Mulally created, rather than change it.
Despite his own record of success, Mr. Fields will be judged initially on how well he continues the One Ford approach he inherits from Mr. Mulally.

“When Alan came in he was really able to turbocharge how we looked at things globally,” Mr. Fields said Thursday. “We are still going to be judged by results.”

Ford does have challenges ahead. Sales in the United States fell slightly in April, and it has said that profits will be flat this year as it introduces new models.

Mr. Mulally said his last goal was to ensure a seamless transition and spread the word to dealers and investors that Ford’s future was in good hands.

He gave no indication what he might do after leaving Ford. He was a contender last year to become chief of Microsoft, but took himself out of the running before a selection was made.

“I want to focus on this orderly transition, but I also look forward to retirement and whatever that brings,” he said. “I love to serve, and I want to see what the opportunities are to do that.”

A version of this article appears in print on May 2, 2014, on page B1 of the New York edition with the headline: A Complete U-Turn.

Sunday, May 11, 2014



Special Edition 2015 Ford Mustang 
 The 50th anniversary of the Mustang is a big deal, and in case you forgot that Ford wants to remind you. We have already covered the special anniversary edition of the 2015 Mustang that Ford will be releasing in the fall, called the ’50 Year’ edition. But now Ford will be building a special one-off convertible version of the 50 Year, and it is even for a good cause.

 This special edition 2015 Ford Mustang will be raffled off to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Like the hardtop special edition, the convertible will feature the 5.0-liter Coyote V8 with more than 420 horsepower and 390 pound-feet of torque.

 Also like hardtop, it will feature a whole series of special styling touches inspired by Mustangs of yore. The most noticeable of these distinctions will be chrome accents on the grille, emblem, and tail lamps. Like the first Mustang ever sold, this convertible will be painted in Wimbledon White.

 The interior also gets a workover, including two-tone leather and cashmere seats, and cashmere accent stitching throughout the interior. As you would expect with a prestige edition like this, there are also numerous GT 50 Years badges throughout the car.

 In the end, all of these changes are basically superficial. But the results do look awfully good. What’s more, it is hard to complain when the proceeds are going to a cause as worthy as finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.

 If you are interested in helping to fight this debilitating disease, or just want a – slim – chance to win a shiny new Mustang tickets are available for $20.00.

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